Thursday, March 01, 2012

at last

Man, it's good to home. It's fun to travel and explore....but there is nothing so sweet as stepping over the threshold and arriving home after some time away. Except perhaps waking up in your own bed.....but I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to experience that! :-D

As soon as I finish unpacking, I am going to just sit, hook, and relax tonight. I will catch up on email tomorrow - although I tried to keep on top of it while I was away, I was a bit too busy some (okay, most!) days. For some strange reason, I had this (false) sense that there would be heaps of spare time, and so grandiose plans of finishing my sweater, reading a couple of books, exercising, and of course, blogging were hatched. And swiftly abandoned. I didn't progress very far at all on that particular list.....but I did get a lot of work done, which was the real purpose of the trip, I guess. And eat quite a few wonderful meals (on the company's dime, which makes them even better). Oh, and a wee bit of shopping happened.....

Mostly tea -- all of these are newly added to my cupboard -- and yarn, and a few other things for my closet and camping in the summertime....but I will blog about that more later. But right now, I am going to go and sit and enjoy my cup of tea, and contemplate what I will 'watch' on Netflix in the background while I hook -- what a luxury to have that be the biggest decision I need to make before bed tonight! Back here in the morning....