Monday, September 24, 2012

knitted skirt 1.1

So within 24 hours of my last post about the skirt, it had been reduced to this.....

I came to the harsh realization that I would need to gain at least 20lbs to fit it, and as painful as it was to destroy four nights of was not nearly so bad as being that big!  LOL!

I've made a bunch of tweaks and have almost caught back up again to where I had been.  When I start knitting I typically have factory wound balls or ball winder balls, but when I've unravelled I tend to just wind it back up by hand.  It's a quick and dirty job, but also makes it easy for me to see where I had previously stopped.  I think with tonight's knitting I will begin making real progress.  At least I hope so – there is some good TV on tonight, so I should be able to plonk down and knit away the evening.

I will try to take some pictures of the new and improved skirt version and share tomorrow....